Words can be powerful, but can they really create major shifts in your life?


An affirmation is a statement designed to create a general or specific result by providing your subconscious mind with the vision of the change you seek.

By repeating a well-chosen combination of words, the subconscious is impressed with a message until it “believes” the message and produces the result.

Not only that, the “Super Conscious Mind”, that part of you that’s connected to Infinite Intelligence, cooperates, assists, and co-creates in the outer world, that which you desire.

There’s An Aff For That

Have you tried expensive therapists, counselors, courses, self-help books and tapes with little or no success?

This powerful method is as free to use as words you use.

What’s not working for you?

Feel stuck? There’s an aff for that.

Frustrating problems you can’t seem to solve. There’s an aff for that.

Want to change yourself but can’t seem to make headway? There’s an aff for that too.

Affirmations give you a direct connection to the source of those problems where you can alter the underlying belief system that is sabotaging your efforts.

Plus, they are easily adapted and customized to what resonates with you personally.

The Law That Gives Affirmations Power

Affirmations are a well-established technique that many have used for a long time.

By combining the simplicity of a word, the vibration it induces, and repetition, you end up with an easy way to circumvent all the things that stand in the way of what it is you desire, within and without.

“We create our own reality” is a well-known phrase but very few know the science behind this truism.

The reason is that everything in our life is the result of the thoughts we think, the more we think a particular thought, the more it draws a vibrational equivalent into our reality.

Everything in your life, without exception, is the result/manifestation of your “thought energy”. Like attracts like is the definition of the Law of Attraction, a spiritual law that works like any other law of science, like gravity or sound waves or osmosis.

Thoughts Are Things

Have you ever had the experience of picking up the phone, sometimes before it even rings, and on the other end is the very person you were just thinking about?

It is a well-known scientific fact that each thought we think produces a tiny amount of electrical energy. That energy does not simply vanish. It emanates out and affects that which was thought about.

This is why it’s been said that “thoughts are things.”

Feelings originate with thoughts. When we think a thought and then have a feeling about that thought, this creates emotional energy around the thought.

Beliefs are thoughts we think are “true” whether they are or not. Your subconscious accepts the thought as true because it is not the part of your brain that analyzes and discerns fact from fiction. It simply accepts the thought and responds by creating a matching reality via the energy produced.

Ever have an experience of pessimistically predicting you would oversleep, get stuck in traffic, be late to an important event, it would rain on your outdoor concert or wedding? Not because of objective evidence but simply because you believed it would happen due to Murphy’s Law or some such notion.

Most of us already know about the negative thinking trap, but this is why it happens: we think a thought, attach a feeling to the thought and then cement it in belief, and when it happens, exclaim how “right” we are.

We created it!

Why do create what we don’t want?

Because ego is intrinsically negative and likes to be right, regardless of the price we pay for it.

What Do You Want?

This is a spiritual question because we must be spiritually conscious enough to know that we have choices in this World of Form and Contrast.

Ego is what grounds us in the illusion of form, Spirit enlightens us to a Greater Reality.

Ego is about victimhood, blame and reaction. Spirit is about Realization, Freedom and Choice.

It takes Responsibility to make a choice rather than think carelessly and then blame everything and everyone for what our life looks like.

Affirmations are only for those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for everything in their life and the choices that created it.

So, the first step in using affirmations is taking responsibility for what you have already erroneously created so that you can then create by design, what you want in your life.

Do you want a wonderful job you enjoy and pays well? Do you want an awesome partner? Do you want better relationships, great friends, close family ties? A trip to Paris, a new car? Money, love and a wonderful life can all become reality with this technique.

Begin with a list of all those things you desire.

The Principles of Affirmation

Once you decide what you want, it’s time to write your affirmation.

There are four principles for writing affirmations. They must be:

  • Positive
  • Present tense
  • Inspiring
  • Repetitive

For example, say you want a new house, your affirmation could be…

  • The house of my dreams is coming to me now.
  • I see myself sitting in the lovely kitchen of my beautiful new home.

Or a new job:

  • I love my new job!
  • I’m so grateful for the wonderful pay and fulfilling work of my new employment.

Florence Scovel Shinn has a lovely affirmation for work that rhymes:

I have wonderful work in a wonderful way. I provide wonderful service for wonderful pay!”

I adapted it this way: I’m rich, I’m rich in a wonderful way. I provide wonderful service for wonderful pay!

The added bonus of rhyming makes it more fun and easier to remember; gratitude makes it more powerful because it adds a strong positive emotion to the statement.

As Joseph Murphy, Ph.D, author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind says, “You think with your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually think sinks down into your subconscious mind, which creates according to the nature of your thoughts. Your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions and is the creative mind… once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.”

Getting the subconscious to accept an idea is the purpose of affirmations and why repetition is required.

As Abraham-Hicks says, “A belief is simply a thought you keep thinking.” When you think the same thought over and over again, eventually the subconscious accepts it as “true.”

Likewise, if you affirm a deliberately designed positive thought over and over again, the subconscious will accept it as true and manifest accordingly.

The Art of Affirmation Design

While there is a plethora of information available regarding the science of affirmations, there are a few “greats” that display skill, art and proficiency in designing a group of words that can impact the subconscious in powerful ways.

If there were one “master” of affirmations, I would say it is hands down, Louise Hay. In her book You Can Heal Your Life which has been sitting on my bookshelf for years and I still refer to occasionally, she delves into the science and magic of affirmations.

With personal stories illustrating the amazing effects, Louise Hay writes the most beautiful affirmations I have ever heard. Though they are on the long side, they provide a stimulating, inspirational message for your conscious and subconscious mind to relish and savor.

My personal favorite which holds a place of honor on my dresser mirror:

In the infinity of life where I am,

all is perfect, whole and complete.

I am one with the Power that created me.

I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of

Prosperity that the Universe offers.

All my needs are met before I even ask.

I am Divinely guided and protected,

and I make choices that are beneficial for me.

I rejoice in other’s successes, knowing there is plenty for us all.

I am constantly increasing my conscious awareness of abundance,

and this reflects in a constantly increasing income.

My good comes from everywhere and everyone.

All is well in my world.

Louise Hay was inspired by another predecessor in the science of law of attraction and affirmations, Florence Scovel Shinn, who interestingly, never used the terms “law of attraction” or “affirmation”.

In her book compilation The Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn, containing The Game of Life, The Power of the Spoken Word, Your Word is Your Wand and The Secret of Success; Shinn, who harkens back to the early 1900s, uses Biblical scripture throughout as the basis of the laws at work when using words to impress the subconscious mind.

Like Joseph Murphy, who also bases his affirmation science on Biblical wisdom, Shinn calls affirmations “treatments” because they use words to “treat” the fallible thinking of the mind with a carefully designed statement to counter the erroneous thought and therefore, it’s consequence.

Use What Works, Toss What Doesn’t

Based on your topic of choice, think about how to phrase a positive, present tense sentence about your topic. Then play around with the wording until you land upon something that not only sums up your desire but inspires you with positive emotion – this is the “working” part of the affirmation.

The positive emotion regarding your topic is the fuel, the ‘juice’ that gives your affirmation power. The vibrational current created transforms your subconscious and influences circumstances to bring you exactly what you want.

I say “exactly” but that is of course, dependent upon the exactness of your desire. If you have a list of specifics for the new house or new job you want, it’s perfectly okay to make a list of those specifics that can be set aside; your short, sweet affirmation will still include those things without listing them every time, unless you want to.

If you find a source of already designed affirmations (I have an affirmation website coming soon), you can use the ones you like that suit you and your goals, or you can adapt them to suit you.

Take the above Louise Hay affirmation for example, you can easily extract a short, simple affirmation from it:

  • I am/my life is perfect, whole and complete
  • I am totally open and receptive to the abundant flow of prosperity the Universe offers
  • All my wants and needs are met before I even ask
  • I am Divinely guided and protected and make choices that are beneficial for me
  • I am constantly increasing my conscious awareness of abundance and this reflects in a constantly increasing income/My abundance consciousness reflects in constantly increasing income
  • My good comes from everywhere and everyone
  • All is well in my world/All is well

If you are having difficulties in your life, use the first one. If you want to attract more prosperity, use the second one. Fear of lack, use the third, and so on.

This is just an introduction into the wonderful world of Conscious Creating using affirmations to get you started if so inclined. And I would encourage you to experiment and try it out.

Start with one or two simple short affirmations. I like to write them on colorful 3×5 index cards and post them around the house so that I can read them multiple times a day. Give it a few weeks and see what happens.

At the very least, repeating inspiring words that lift your spirits will have a positive impact on your day, and your life.

Happy Affirming!
