Negative Thoughts, those ugly things no one is immune to or can escape from.

We ALL have them.

Negative thoughts are simply the reaction of ego doing its job. Ego is that thing that convinces us we are intrinsically not good enough and therefore IT must control everything it possibly can to not just accomplish what we want to accomplish, but also to simply survive.

How common is this thought?

“I’m not good enough.”

The energy of that thought will naturally attract others like it: I’m not smart enough, tall enough, young enough, old enough, pretty enough, rich enough, etc.

Those would then invite: I don’t have what it takes. How can this project/job/aspiration/relationship ever work? It’s too hard. I’m too lazy. People don’t like me. I’ve never accomplished anything before.

And the infamous ego self-deprication statement:

“Who am I to think I could…?”

Why It Works to Pivot

If where you are is not where you want to be, then pivot.

Pivoting is when you consciously change direction.

How do you know you want to pivot?

Because your thoughts are telling you what you are creating right now, and if your thoughts are negative, then what you are creating will eventually manifest in some way that you will not like.

In other words, those thoughts become self-fulfilling prophecies and will sabotage your efforts to create what you want.

Not to worry, this is quite natural for us humans who have egos.

You are not an ego, you just have one.

Who you are is a Divine Being. Beneath ego thought is the eternal constant of the Real You, indelibly connected to Source. That’s the Pivot: from ego thinking to Real You thinking.

The Source of Negative Thinking

Negative energy is simultaneously the result of, and the cause of, negative thoughts. A thought will pop into your head to validate how you’re feeling, and at the same time, the thought that pops into your head will cause you to feel accordingly.

Negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts, and they get more negative the more you indulge them.

Thoughts are habitual. Thoughts, whether negative or positive, are usually the same ones we tend to think day in and day out. Stop and just notice any negative thinking habit patterns:

“Here we go again, terrible traffic.”

“This (bad thing) always happens to me.”

“Of course it’s me that gets screwed in this situation.”

“People are the worst!”

“Why can’t I ever seem to get ahead? Because of this person/situation/problem…”

Negative thinking will always go in the direction of ever darker thoughts:

  • Pessimism: Things are bad and getting worse.
  • Blame: It’s that person’s fault this happened to me.
  • Judgment: It’s their fault because they’re stupid/ruthless/evil/conniving etc.
  • Condemnation: That person deserves to rot in hell!
  • Hate: I HATE this person because of all the things I just judged them for.
  • Revenge: Someday I’ll get even with this person! That’ll show ‘em!
  • False Power: Yeah, that makes me feel better! I’m on top! I win!

Of course, ego won’t come out and say it quite as clearly as that but the underlying insidious message creates the energy that goes out, and what goes out… comes back.

Rinse and repeat. Every day. You get back what you put out and then begin the blame cycle all over again keeping you trapped in an endless dysfunctional loop.

The definition of EGO (as I’m using it) is that part of you that’s not really you at all but rather a belief system grounded in the illusion that we are separate from God/All-That-Is/Spirit/Infinite Intelligence.

Or as Wayne Dyer called it: Edging God Out

And that’s its job.

The World of Form and Contrast requires an ego perspective to get the most out of this temporary, illusory experience. It’s like going to a movie and becoming emersed in the dangerous/complicated/humorous plot so that you can appreciate the positive uplifting ending, and the entertaining drama of the movie itself. Ego is the plotter that provides meaning via contrast.

Steps to Pivoting

Step #1 is Humility.

When negative thoughts are happening, just back away. Sit back and watch the thoughts, and feelings go on. Be the observer of it all. DETACH yourself as much as you can.

Be Humble, invoke the energy of Humility. Surrender to ‘what is’.

You will still think and feel whatever is caught up in the momentum, but all it takes is a moment of awareness to let go and just notice. So…

Step #2 is Awareness. Just be aware of what’s happening without being a part of it, or while being a part of it. Yes, you can do that.

It’s just a moment of Awareness. A moment of “This is a yukky thought.”

Once you have one moment then it becomes easier to have two, and five, and fifteen.

Step #3 is Intention. DECIDE that you want a DIFFERENT thought and a DIFFERENT feeling. Then, Reach for a better thought:

  • Recognize ego: I’m not so egotistical as to think that I would want to win at someone else’s expense.
  • I have no need to get even.
  • I don’t hate this person, I just feel sorry for them.
  • I’m sure they will receive appropriate karma for whatever they need to learn.
  • I don’t need to label their life-taking energies, I only need to mind my own boundaries.
  • Though it seems like it was their fault, it happened to me for a reason.
  • Things seem bad sometimes, but it always gets better eventually.

These are not perfect thoughts either but they are a bit better and that’s the point, the Steps help you Step Up to a slightly higher vibration from the one before it.

When you reach for a better thought, you are taking your power back from the momentum of the negativity by using Humility, Awareness and Intention to pivot back to Real You.

As positive thoughts replace negative ones, you will relax and feel better.

With a little practice you will master this process and shift your life by shifting your thoughts.

Your Guidance System

Sometimes negative thoughts are so habitually prevalent that we are unconscious of them going on in the background of our mind.

While your Mind is on the front line of energy projection, your Body is the front line of energy reception. Negative thoughts and feelings get stored in the body and manifest as aches, pains, illness and disease.  

So, take a moment to simply notice how your body is feeling. Is there tightness in your neck and shoulders? Does your back ache? Do you have other unexplained aches and pains here and there?

Your body is part of your Guidance System. It will always reveal to you what’s going on in your mind that’s negative/life-taking/pain inducing. Pay attention to your body and then to your thoughts. Consciously release negative thoughts and see if the pain subsides. It might also work to get some body work to help release trapped energies out of your body.

Step #4: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

You can use the principle of opposites: replace hate with love, frustration with empowerment, blame with responsibility, judgment with understanding, pessimism with optimism, revenge with forgiveness.

It might be quite a leap though, to jump from hate to love so better in most cases to Step It Up, incrementally.

Abraham-Hicks teaches this method. Start with where you are: “I really hate this person!” It’s not reasonably practical to think that you can flip a switch and go from hating to loving in an instant. (Though not impossible.)

Rather, find a thought that feels a little bit better. “I hate this person but I understand how they got that way.”

Sit with that for a while and then you can move up the scale a bit more: “I understand how this person got that way because of their childhood/military experiences/brain worm…”

After a while you may be able to get to a true revelation about how this person has suffered perhaps and deserves love and forgiveness.

THAT THOUGHT will feel so much better! And it will leave your body relaxed and your mind calm.

Step #5- Conscious Action

Whenever you take an action, whether it’s, “Should I start a war with this country?” or “Do I really want that sugary donut for breakfast?”; basing your decisions on Conscious Thoughts that you CHOOSE to think from your divinity rather than your ego, will ensure your mind, body and all of your life will be in Alignment with Source/All-That-Is and therefore, produce positive, Life-Giving results.

Law of Attraction: like attracts like.

The energy you put out is the energy you get back.

Your point of focus is your point of attraction: whatever you are focused on, especially with energy (positive or negative), is what you are creating, causing to manifest in some way, shape or form, into your life.

It can be no other way.

It is a metaphysical principle and law that can either work for you or against you. You get to decide if you want to change your life by changing your thoughts.

True Power is Love in Action

There is no win/lose scenario, just win/win or lose/lose.

False power is about ego and it’s need to “win” even at others expense. True Power is about being in Alignment with Reality, where all people everywhere are of equal value and “winning” is only winning if it works for everyone.

Love is a doing thing. Love is doing what is in the Highest and Best for ALL involved.

Huna Wisdom

To turn negative thoughts into positive actions, you only need apply these principles.

Pay attention to your thoughts. If they are negative, step them up one level at a time until they are positive, Life-Giving, Life-Affirming, Respectful, Kind and Loving.

It’s not hard, it just requires a Conscious Choice.

When you Consciously Choose to think in loving, respectful ways, you will automatically shift your identity from ego to Divine Self.

When you make decisions and take actions from your divinity, the Highest and Best within you, you can only create a positive, Life-Giving, Loving life.

It will take a while to wade through the mud of negative thinking but with practice the muddy thoughts will clear and your life will reflect the True Power of a New Leaf turned.
