Recent headlines scream of insane brutality and senseless bloodshed. When helpless children are caught up in hysterical chaos it is especially painful and distressing.

We are human, we feel. We have empathy and share deep pain as we witness unimaginable atrocities occur on the other side of the world.

As an average person, is there anything we can do?

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another.”


Deal With the Energy First…

Bad things happen all the time. It’s just a matter of degree.

Whether personal or global in scope, whether they have happened in the distant or recent past, tragic loss is an unavoidable task we simply must deal with.

It can be devastating to have a fight or argument with a friend, neighbor or loved one. Things can happen that lead to animated drama, dysfunction, abuse and worse.

On the national and international stage, there are natural disasters, accidental tragedies, and wars claiming countless lives.

It’s especially painful when it is human caused; avoidable, deliberate, designed to incite rage.

~ ~ ~

As the Russian assault on Ukraine continues, we tend to shrug and tune out the ongoing bloody struggle. The recent attack on Israel spurs us once again to momentary outrage. And rage spreads its vicious venom to all who would buy-in to the emotion of the moment.

We talk, we exclaim, and we harangue about it, personally, and in the media.

But what are our choices? Do we react with emotional hostility? Buy into the rage of the moment? Lash out? Contribute to the dysfunction?

What Goes Around…

Quantum physics reinforces the old axiom: you reap what you sow, what goes around comes around.

The Law of Attraction is just another way of affirming the same principle. Negative energy attracts negative energy, positive energy attracts positive energy. It’s scientific as much as it is spiritual.

The great sages and most religions of the world have decried a form of this principle for centuries. 

Huna, a system of wisdom from ancient Hawaii says, Spirit is the blueprint for form; that which you pay attention to comes to life.

In other words, anything and everything that exists, exists in the spiritual realm first, before it manifests into form. The World of Form is simply a dense reflection of thought energy, exactly, without exception.

“Your responsibility is your ability to respond.”

Paul Solomon

Let’s examine our choices. If we’re dealing with a personal situation, deal with the energy first. If we’re dealing with an international crisis, deal with the energy first. It cannot be overstated.

Rather than getting caught up in the heat of the moment, we can stop and take a breath. And then look within.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Daryll Anka

The Opposite of ‘Reaction’ is ‘Response’

Reaction, in the context I’m using it here applied to horrendous events, is an immediate emotional outburst or simmering seething, consumed in levels of plotting transactional revenge.

A response, on the other hand, is at first a personal look inward. It’s an energy check.

And then, it’s a choice, a Conscious Choice to bring to the situation an energy of Healing and Balance.

If one is aware of the destructive nature of energies like blame, hate and revenge, one can make a choice to make a positive impact on a very bad situation rather than feeding the energy that perpetuates the horror.

The Greatest Gifts Lie Behind the Darkest Veils

What If…

What would happen if more people decided to stay calm? To pray and meditate? To make a positive contribution by choosing an energy of healing?

What if we all had the Courage to confront injustice, inequality and systemic dysfunction?

For centuries, CENTURIES, there has been conflict and bloodshed in the Middle East, ironically a place where three of the major religions originated.

Does anyone think that God intended for religion to be used as an excuse to execute children? Or to kill, maim or otherwise create rampant madness and despair? I don’t think so.

Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional

I heard someone say regarding the recent conflict, and its history, that the solution to the age-old problem is actually quite simple… but hard to achieve.

The hard part is to let go of an attachment to negative energy.

Hate, blame and revenge are the low hanging fruit of habitual unconsciousness.

It’s easier to blame than to take responsibility. It’s easier to get even than to forgive. It feels “good” to blame, hate and get revenge; but feels good to whom?

The ancient Hawaiians called it ‘malu’, a life-taking energy/spirt whose job it is to create, exacerbate and perpetuate all forms of negative energy.

And this is all by Divine Design.

We all came here, to the World of Form, to experience contrast because contrast is how we derive meaning. It is how we learn experientially to Appreciate the Life-Giving energies of All-That-Is/God/Life/Love.

Love is a doing thing. Love is doing what is in the highest and best for ALL involved.

The opposite of Love is not hate, it’s indifference. We can shrug and move on, believing there is nothing we can do.

Or we can go within and notice the energies we are harboring, and make a Conscious Choice to relinquish, stop identifying with, the negative ones that try to goad us into thinking, feeling and expressing them.

Even if it’s uncomfortable, especially if it’s uncomfortable, we can CHOOSE to send Healing energy to all who are affected. Whether that’s our partner, coworker, neighbor; or a community on the other side of the world who have endured unimaginable atrocities.

~ ~ ~

Once, while attending a seminar, I witnessed a demonstration that moved me deeply. It made me cry and I didn’t even know why. After giving it some thought I realized it’s message resonated at a very deep level for me.

It was a simple demonstration: a single drop of ink is dropped into a glass of water. The very dark ink disappeared into the water. The man held up the glass to show us. You can’t see the very potent ink, but you know it’s there.

YOU can have an effect. And you can do it without ever leaving your own mind.

Take a minute to go within and switch up all feelings of hate or hopelessness, despair or blame, regret, remorse or futility; and choose instead the energy of, the feeling of, Healing, Hope, Peace and Calm.

If you can do that, you WILL HAVE made a difference! It will be there!

And that’s your Response Ability.

Spread Peace.
