With pressures of work, relationships and societal expectations, do you even know who you are? Running on autopilot may help to get us through our fast-paced lives, but at what cost?

Would it not be easier to connect with that part of you that already knows the best path, the best decisions and the best choices to make to get what you truly desire?

A Common Misconception and Deterrence to Spiritual Self Help

If you’re like me, back when I was younger, you may think that going the “spiritual” route would be to become a nun or a monk and go live in a cave somewhere, meditating 12 hours a day.

It would mean giving up… something, everything, sacrificing all those things I want because “wanting” something is bad, and being selfless and desireless is the objective.


Nothing could not be further from the truth.

The Truth is that “God” (Life, Love, Spirit, Universe, Source) WANTS you to have EVERYTHING you want!

The Truth is that it is Ego, that thought process you sometimes identify with, that tries to negate your spiritual self, that energy that “wants stuff” for all the wrong reasons, an idea that says: In order to be a good, spiritual person I must give up all those things I want and go OBEY some deity to live a meager life of service to others.

Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it is the underlying message of ego.

And therein lies the enigma and misconception of spirituality.

What is “WANT”?

According to Maslo’s Hierarchy, until our basic needs are met, it’s quite difficult to even think about wants or desires as anything other than futile wishes.

We live in a society where for the most part, our basic needs are met and so we can want, desire and dream of the life we long to live.

But then we get so caught up in trying to get ahead on that treadmill of life we lose ourselves in the busyness of it all.

We ‘think’ we know what we want, but do we really?

Do you even know what you want?

Sure, it’s easy to spout off ‘a million dollars, fancy cars, the typical luxury lifestyle of the rich and famous.’

But that’s not it and you know it.

The First Step of Personal Development is Spiritual Growth

Deciding what you really want requires you to connect with your Soul. Indeed, it’s the first step in ‘personal development’ because if you don’t know what you want, then how will you achieve any meaningful goals?

Wanting things is not bad. We all want things, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

You can ‘want’ benevolent things like an occupation, to pay your bills, to provide for your family, to contribute to worthy causes, etc.

Or you can ‘want’ selfish things like a bigger house/nicer car/faster boat than your neighbor has.

Understanding your ‘wants’ will let you know if you are in alignment with your soul… or with your ego.

No need to judge, just notice to see if you are able to acknowledge that or if you find ego coming up with multiple justifications as to why you need the fastest boat in your neighborhood.

God/Life/Love/Source WANTS you to have everything you want, even those ego-based wants.

Why? Because ultimately, all roads lead back to Source…

Switch It Up, The Difference Between ‘Want’ and ‘Desire’

Technically, a toddler wants, a mature adult desires.

Spiritually speaking, the energy of ‘want’ is based in lack. “I want this thing because I don’t have it.”

The energy of ‘desire’ is based in the idea of limitlessness. The idea that anything is possible. “I desire that Caribbean vacation because I know (somehow) it can happen for me.”

One involves the energy of forcing or making something happen because it’s all up to me (ego) and the other is about Allowing by choosing to be in Alignment with the energy of a Soul Desire.

Yes, your ego is probably screaming at you right now, “That’s ridiculous! If I don’t make it happen, then who will?”

And that is by definition, anti-God/Life/Love/Source.

Ego wants you to think that there is no such thing as a Loving Universe/Source that desires you to have EVERYTHING you desire and is very willing to help you in every possible way achieve those desires.

Ego is about force. Spirit is about Trust.

And this is why wanting/desiring, are tools for spiritual growth.

You must be Conscious enough to let go of the ego energy of fear, force, manipulate, in favor of Trust, Allow, Flow.

Conscious with a capital “C” because when you can make that shift you are no longer identified with ego, but rather your Divinity, your Soul, that part of you that is Connected to your Source.

Purpose and Magic

There is something magical that happens when you begin to entertain the idea of your desires leading to your purpose.

Though it’s a common understanding of spiritual growth, you may have missed the memo:

Your greatest desires are the best indicators of your life’s purpose.

This is the proof that a Loving Universe has your back and is right there with you every step of the way in your journey to fulfillment.

Not that there aren’t lots of rich people who are only in it for the money, prestige and other ego based motivations. There are.

But there are also many rich people who began with a desire to be of service in some way that ultimately led to magnificent riches, like Oprah for example.

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”

Robert Byrne

And there are many examples of people being richly rewarded by providing a product or service that helped people and so they were willing to pay for that product or service. And that flow of money allows for more of that product or service to reach even more people.

But for people who get rich through various levels of nefariousness, true fulfillment is impossible.

As Mary Trump’s book title so aptly describes: Too Much and Never Enough.

(For a more in depth look at the characteristics of “Ego-Mind”, check out my article here.)

This is the plight of ego thinking. Because ego is illusion (a belief system) it is inherently fearful and tries in vain to fill an unfillable void. Without a spiritual grounding based in Love, Connection and Respect for all others, there will never be enough materialism, and then power, to fill the hole of an unfulfilled soul.

The Law Governing Desire

If you desire something because you feel you are worth it, or because of what you can do with it to help others, then focusing on that desire will draw it to you.

Even if you want something for ego reasons, focusing on it will still draw it to you, but with that energy attached to it.

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

Stephen Covey

Law of Attraction is the law that governs cause and effect. Like attracts like. Whatever energy you put out into the universe by way of your focused attention, will automatically begin to draw it to you.

Indeed, however your life looks now is the direct result of previously focused attention. (Still want to complain about everything?)

Attention and Intention are powerful forces that activate the Law of Attraction. But most of us, most of the time, do the ‘attention’ part without the ‘intention’ part, by default.

Spiritual growth and personal development are achieved by learning, understanding and utilizing this powerful principle.

If you desire to change yourself, your life, your circumstances, or anything else in your world, why not start at the root level?

If you desire to develop yourself, then get in touch with your soul, your spirit, that part of you that is absolutely Connected to your Source, from which the Love for you cannot be measured.

Is it hard to connect? No. Your Source is only a whisper away. It knows everything about you and hears everything you say, ask, dream.

The Law of Love

When we make mistakes, there are consequences. And this is how we learn from our mistakes. A Loving Universe has devised a system that allows us to learn, change and grow into who we really are as a Divine Being.

The Law of Love involves Acceptance, Responsibility, Humility, Forgiveness, Grace and Gratitude.

If you make a mistake, Accept what has happened and take Responsibility for your part.

Forgive yourself and while you’re at it, Forgive everyone else too. Forgiveness frees us from karma with others.

When you Accept the situation, take Responsibility with Humility for your mistake, and Forgive yourself and others of mistakes made, Grace will negate the consequences of those mistakes.

Gratitude allows Divine Light to illuminate the path to your desires and the fulfillment of your Soul. And no one desires that more than your Source.
