Once upon a time, there was an average, everyday person who drifted along the meandering River of Life, their little boat tossed to and fro by its waves and currents.
Then one day something happened.
Average person noticed that one side of the river was wonderful. People there were happy and prosperous, singing and dancing, enjoying life.
On the other side of the river, it was a terrible scene. People were sad, depressed and anxiety ridden. Their lives were fraught with confusion, chaos and misery.
Then average person on the river noticed something they had never noticed before.
They noticed that the currents were drifting towards the terrible shore. Had they not noticed they would surely have drifted there and become part of the miserable lot struggling through life.
So, what did our average person do?
They made a decision, picked up the oars and started rowing towards the lovely, happy shore.
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Why did our average person decide to do that? Because they noticed they had a choice, and where they would be going if they didn’t make one.
This is what the One Question can reveal about you: if you know where you are going, and if you have made a choice about where you want to be.
The One Question reveals which of three categories you are in.
The One Question reveals where you are going in life and whether you will get there or not.
It reveals on which side of the river you will end up.
Here’s the One Question: What do you want?
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Can you answer that question? What category are you in?
- If you “don’t know” then you are in the “Lost” category.
- If you kinda sorta know, then you are in the “Hopeful” category.
- If you definitely know, then you are in the “Assertive” category.
Here’s another question: Which category do you want to be in?
Let’s examine the categories:
“Lost” means you may have:
- Unhealed wounds and worthiness issues
- Health, relationship, career and financial issues
- Difficult circumstances
- Primarily negative thoughts and feelings
- Anxiety, depression, frustration and confusion
- A life in chaos
- Addiction/escapism
- Bad luck
- Don’t think you have gifts and talents
- Felt like there’s no way out of your situation
- Felt that other people control your life, self-worth and self-esteem
“Hopeful” means you may have:
- Accepted and acknowledged your health, worthiness and other issues
- Let life/relationships/circumstances hold you back
- Fluctuated between negative and positive thoughts and feelings
- Some anxiety, depression, frustration and confusion
- Felt like you’re struggling with yourself
- Bad as well as, good luck
- Tried and failed
- Willingness to try a different approach
- Openness to change
- Think you might have gifts and talents
- Have others think more/less highly of you than you think of yourself
- Be looking for a way up and out
“Assertive” means you:
- Take complete responsibility for all of your issues whether they are health, relationship, career or financial
- Know what you want and are on your way to achieving it
- Try and fail, but try again
- Have critics but don’t let them stop you
- Have recognized your gifts and talents
- Are Humble, Coachable and Willing to learn new and different ways of doing things
- Are focused but not attached
- Take action to move in the direction of your goals
- Educate yourself and use tools to get there
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Next question: If you’re not in the Assertive group, do you want to be there?
If the answer is “yes” then here are three things you can do today:
- Decide what you want.
You could take some time to think about it but most likely, you already know. You may have not had the courage to accept that you are even worthy of having a dream, let alone striving for it. Consider this permission to do just that – DREAM!
2. Do you really want it?
Sometimes we think of things we think we want, but not really. Once I thought I wanted to live on a sailboat and travel around the world. Then I realized that was someone else’s dream that sounded great but it wasn’t mine. You will know if your dream is something you really want by the ‘BIG YES’ feeling you get inside. If you don’t have a BIG YES, go back to step 1. **Fear may try to disguise your YES, so go back and see if you can feel the excitement of your dream, then ignore the fear**
3. Create a Vision.
Whatever your dream is, picture it in your mind. Create a scene that aptly depicts the very thing you want. Something that would be a good example of a day in the life you want. If you need to, find pictures and photos online or in magazines to spur your imagination. Add vivid color, sounds, smells and textures. MOST importantly, create or get into the FEELING of it. How does it feel to live in Paris, fight fires in the northwest, graduate from university, receive accolades for your song, book, movie role? How would your life be different? What would it feel like if it had already happened?
“Your certainty of it, your faith in it, and your attention to it creates it.”
A Happy Pocket Full of Money, David Cameron Girandi
Do you have a Purpose?
Yes! You were born for a reason. It was not to waste your life being miserable. That’s not to say that all the misery is for naught. No doubt, whatever you have experienced up until now, happened for a reason. Your misery, your story, your life lessons are a part of why you are here. It may only have been to lead you to this very point, where you find that you are now ready to face your True Purpose. All you have experienced until this point led you to NOW.
How Do You Know?
There is a part of you (Authentic Self, True Self) that KNOWS what you want. Not only that, It put that dream in your heart. Whatever you really want, it’s part of your purpose, or else you wouldn’t have that desire.
If you ask that part of you (Who originated this dream) It will help you in every way that you let It.
Your Authentic Self knows your Purpose and your Dream and will literally move heaven and earth to guide you down the path to fulfillment.
If the Source of all of Creation can create planets and galaxies, do you not think It can help you with your little dream? Indeed, IT wants nothing more. You are an irreplaceable part of All-That-Is and your dream is important because that is how your Source expresses and experiences Itself, through you!
Begin a dialogue with this Source and simply ask for Clarity, Guidance, Clues, Direction. And then pay attention. Source will use whatever IT can to communicate with you: an article (like this one), a movie, a casual comment by a friend, mysterious piece of mail, billboard, whatever. It’s a fun mystery ride! Ask a question, get an answer, ask another question. Listen, pay attention.
What you want, also wants you!
Sure, there will be doubts and fears and your “old self” resisting every step of the way. That’s fine. Just keep the dream alive.
No matter what your life looks like now, it can be better. The only thing required of you is an open mind and an open heart. Relax and go with the Flow. It’s an incremental elevation of vibrational frequency.
There are tools that you can assist you on this wonderful journey:
- Affirmations- these are so much fun! A simple statement that encapsulates what you want. I am at Peace. I am financially free. I love my new red BMW with black interior. My new 2-story, 4-bedroom home is beautiful. My new life is everything I dreamed it would be!
- “I AM” statements are the best way to step into a new way of being. Keep your affirmations positive and in the present tense. I have colorful note cards and fancy font printed out pieces of paper taped all over my house where I can see and read them all day.
- Journaling- Use a journal to write your affirmations in. (In addition to posting them around the house.) They may change over time and become refined as you move closer to your goals. Use your journal to record prayers and answers, questions, concerns, and whatever you have on your mind, as if someone special is listening (because your Authentic Self certainly is).
- A Vision Board- collect pictures of the things you want or represent the things you want in your life: an engagement ring, Diamond Head in Hawaii, happy children, great friends, a healed heart/body, a new job, lots of money, etc.
- Courses, classes, groups- you may find yourself drawn to ways of educating yourself and being around other like-minded people. If something comes into your awareness, notice if you get that Big Yes feeling and Trust it.
“The Source, God, works perfectly, giving you exactly what you envision and think about.”
A Happy Pocket Full of Money, David Cameron Girandi
The take away here is this: If you don’t like your life, you can change it. All of LIFE will conspire to help you! Just try it and see. What have you got to lose except misery?
Pick up your oars and row to that lovely shore!