What is the One Thing that affects everything, permeates everything, changes everything? You use it every moment of every day. You are master of it or slave to it. It determines your wealth, health, and every part of your life.

Albert Einstein:

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.”

Many years ago, as I studied and trained to be ordained as a Kahuna Kupua (priest of Ho’ala Huna, a system of wisdom from ancient Hawaii), I was also a big fan of The Dog Whisperer. Lo and behold, I discovered that the Dog Whisperer was using the same spiritual principles I was learning about, but with the simplified clarity of dogs. Dogs, like all animals, do not think but respond/react to energy. It was while watching one of these episodes that I heard him ask the all important question and the epiphany struck me!

What is your energy right now?

That is the question Cesar Milan asked a man trying to walk a dog with great difficulty. He asked him, “What is your energy right now?” The man stopped and looked puzzled. “My energy??” Cesar explained to him that he was grasping the leash very tightly because he was tense and frustrated. The man, who had been focused on the dog rather than himself, became aware of the energy that had been hidden just beneath the surface. Once he noticed it, it became very clear and obvious.

Will a dog actually change his behavior in response to ones energy?

Yes! The dog, who had just before been pulling and unmanageable, suddenly relaxed and fell in line with his owner the moment the owner changed his energy from tense to calm. It became a perfect match of energies that flowed with balance: calm/assertive master with calm/submissive dog. Almost miraculously the dog walked right beside him with slack in the leash. The owner was calm so the dog was calm. (The owner was also pleasantly surprised!)

Energy and Emotions

Emotions are those obvious things: angry, happy, sad, elated, jealous, bliss, depressed, ecstatic. But beneath each emotion is a particular energy. Every emotion has its own energy, or more aptly stated, is the resulting outward expression of a particular energy. Have you ever walked into the room of someone who was angry or depressed and just felt it? Paying attention to these subtleties is the art of Energy Discernment.

Power Tool #1 – Recognize the most important energy

Realize that the most important energy is the energy you are not aware of.  Stop for a moment and check in with yourself. What’s going on beneath the surface? What is that nagging thing in the back of your mind? It usually involves something from the past or the future, something that has, might or will happen. You know what is it? Go find it. Bring it to the surface.

Power Tool #2Name It

Once you have put your finger on the stinky thing hiding within, be kind to yourself, take a deep breath and look at what that thing is. Now you can give it a name like anxiety, worry, dread, fear, anger, etc. Unless you are someone like the Dalai Lama or Jesus, we all have them in there somewhere and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s a part of life. But these are the “things” that will run your life if you are not aware of them. See what it is and give it a name.

Power Tool #3 – Choose

Shadow energy cannot exist in the Light. All of those slimy, dark, life-taking energies must hide to exist. Once you are aware of them and bring them out into the Light they lose much of their power. I’m not saying that the situations don’t still exist which prompted the energy in the first place, but they do not help the situation. While pain may wake you up, the purpose of the shadow is always in the direction of the ever more darkening path. Who would choose that?

The Malu Lie

The ancient Hawaiians had a term for those stinky, life-taking energies; they called them “malu”. From their perspective of life, malu have a Divine Purpose, to take our power away wherever we are unconscious. They do this by giving us thoughts and feelings that we think are ours. They convince us that certain situations require anger, jealousy, fear, etc. That is the malu lie.

Viruses in a computer

Like viruses in a computer, malu are not evil they are just doing what they were designed to do. Computer viruses are designed to go out into cyberspace and wreak havoc in specific ways. They seem to have a mind of their own as they infiltrate every data system in search of their prey/target.

What do you do when you find a virus in your computer?

You eliminate it before it can do much damage, right? To eliminate malu, just be Conscious! Be aware enough to make a Conscious Choice that is positive and Life-Giving (patience, understanding). Embrace the energy of Willingness to allow positive energy to emerge. Yes, you can do it even if a malu is telling you that you can’t (it’s a lie!). You do not have to berate yourself, yell at your kids, punch the wall, or engage in uncontrollable drugging, drinking, eating, shopping, gambling, or illicit sex. Indeed, it isn’t even you that is doing those things, it is the malu energy you are identified with. Anger acts out anger. Jealousy acts out jealousy. Fear acts out fear. You are not Anger, Jealousy or Fear. If you can be aware enough in the moment to entertain the thought of choosing, then you can install a virus scan and send them packing!

Who would choose a malu?

Only a malu would choose a malu! We are all Divine Beings, made of the same Life-Giving Substance which gave us Life in the first place. But since malu are required for contrast in this realm of form, we are stuck with them for the duration. For more about the dance of light and dark in the World of Form, see my blog post MeToo, Why Good People Do Bad Things.


You have a Choice of Identity: Divine/True/Authentic Self or a malu. While some pain in life is inevitable (child birth, death of a loved one, broken leg, etc.), if you are experiencing emotional pain then more than likely there are malu involved. The simple answer is to Choose, because the simple act of Choosing requires that you shift your identity from malu to Authentic Self. Malu do not choose, they only do what they do. Hate only knows how to be hateful; violence only knows how to be violent. If you feel you have no choice, think again. Pause.

A Sliver of Awareness

A sliver of awareness is all it takes to realize that the life-taking energy you are identified with is not you. Once you realize…have a tiny thought…even for just a second…that this behavior, feeling, thought…is not yours…you have taken most of your power back already. If you can breathe and relax, the rest will fall into place and you will have saved yourself untold consequences for the unconscious actions of the malu you were identified with.

Bonus Power Tools

Ha’a’ha’a and mahalo, are two of the most powerful energies in the Universe. These two Power Tools can and do, change everything for the better.

Ha’a’ha’a is the ancient Hawaiian word for ‘humble’, which literally translates as ‘to be flexible in perspective’. In other words, the ability to shift ones perspective, is the key to freedom. This is a Power Tool because it frees you from the confines of your own, limited, narrow perspective to a broader, more powerful one. Other people are always more aware of our “stinky energies” than we are. Stay tuned for The Power of the Loving Mirror coming soon.

Mahalo is the current Hawaiian word for gratitude and appreciation, which is of course, THE most powerful way to utilize the Law of Attraction because the best thing to attract is that which you are grateful for. Being grateful generates concentrated attraction energy for more of the object of your gratitude. It is an extremely powerful Conscious Choice Energy Shifter! Try it! Find something, anything, (the smile of a loved one, your favorite tv show, a lady bug that showed up to say “hi”, whatever) and Choose to really, really appreciate that experience.

Energy Discernment is the key that can and will change everything in your life. You can start today, making your life immeasurably better, with one question

….what is my energy right now?

Choose! “It can be no other way.”