Do you feel like your efforts are tantamount to banging your head against a brick wall? No matter how hard you try, everything seems more difficult than it should be.
I venture to say that would be most of us at some point or another.
The more you really want to accomplish something, the harder it seems to get it done. So why does this happen? And how can it possibly be easy when it seems so hard?
Been there, done that, ready for a different approach?
Are you going upstream or downstream?
In our hearts, we have lofty desires and dreams. In our minds, we have practical goals and ambitions.
In the spirituality known as Huna, we call those two things Lono (mind) and Ku (heart). But the beauty of this philosophy is that lono and ku are way more than just heart and mind.
Your ku is that part of you that is akin to your “child self”. It’s also your feminine, emotional, creative source of power.
Your lono is that part of you that is akin to your “adult self”. It’s your masculine, logical, rational, practical, doing, source of direction.
These two aspects of you make up your “humanness”. There are two other aspects that make up your “Divinity”: Kane and Wahine. (kah-nay and wah-hee-nay)
Kane, Source of Light, is your masculine connection to the Divine and Wahine, Source of Life, is your feminine connection.
Flow is created when Kane and Wahine, Lono and Ku are in Alignment.
“Flow” is when everything works out and flows smoothly with ease and seeming effortlessness.
This short video by Joshua Tongol describes Neville Goddard’s Law of Least Effort.
When you’re in Alignment, it’s like you’re on a boat, gently going with the flow downstream. All the forces of the Universe working with you to pave the way and part the seas on your behalf.
An Analogy of You
My spiritual teacher gave a perfect analogy of lono/ku/Kane/Wahine in our life in terms of easy/difficult, going somewhere/getting nowhere:
Lono is the rudder of a boat, ku is the sails. The rudder provides direction, and the sails provide the power to move. Without the sails, the rudder is useless; without the rudder the sails can provide lots of power but only end up going around in circles.
The problem is NO CAPTAIN.
Kane and Wahine, the feminine/masculine aspects of your Divinity, are the “captain”, who know your soul’s purpose and propel you forward toward that purpose; or even just those things you want to manifest or accomplish.
Lono and ku need to be in balance with each other.
How many very serious, logical people do you know who are all about accomplishing goals but never seem to get closer to them, at least without massive effort?
On the other hand, how many very energetic, enthusiastic people do you know who seem to have tons of vivacious energy but lack the practical direction to channel that energy and end up only banging into obstacles instead of making progress?
Without the Captain, a rudder and sails are pretty much useless except for sputtering around, getting tossed to and fro by the prevailing weather (your personal circumstances).
The Captain brings Balance and Alignment. When you bring lono and ku into balance, Kane and Wahine are accessed.
BALANCE is about getting your lono and ku, heart and mind, dreaming and doing, into balance with each other.
ALIGNMENT is about Connection to your Guidance: hunches, nudges and intuition pave the way forward. Synchronicities, luck and success are the result of Alignment with your Inner Self, The Captain.
But, how do you accomplish “Alignment”?
Unfamiliar Territory
We don’t typically wake up in the morning and think, “How can I be more in alignment with my Divinity today?”.
But it would work to do that.
You may not feel like you are a “Divine Being” and perhaps, your religious background instructs you to be suspicious of “blasphemy”, but virtually ALL of the great masters have given indications of that very inner Connection as a way of solving problems, providing answers and bringing us into alignment with our Divine Purpose.
“I looked in temples, churches and mosques. But I found the divine within my heart.”
Think about the term “Infinite Intelligence”. ALL the intelligence of the Universe: Infinite Intelligence. All-That-Is knows and understands everything about you down to the tiniest detail. It is infinitely Loving and supremely Compassionate, because It is you!
Again, you and your Source are one and the same, with Infinite Intelligence and the Power of the Law of Attraction at your beck and call.
It’s like a hologram, the whole contains all parts; but each and every part also contains the whole.
All-That-Is CONTAINS everything that exists, including YOU!
You are an intricate, irreplaceable part to the Whole.
Your life has vital relevance and meaning. You have a Divine Purpose. And somewhere deep within you, You know that and You know what it is. (Big “Y” Self)
Your little “self”, the one you think you are, is a small part of the big You/Self.
You think you are your little self, but you are way, way more than who you think you are, and that’s by design for the purpose of the World of Form. More about that here.
The Secret of the Easy-Flow-Stream
It’s not really a secret except that you may have not heard this before, and if you have not, then this is for YOU.
In the World of Spirit, there is that which is Life-Giving. In the World of Form, there is ALSO that which is life-taking, for the purpose of contrast, and therefore meaning.
We come from the World of Spirit to the World of Form for a specific reason, and your soul/connection to the Big You, knows what that is.
With the Life-Giving (World of Spirit) Energy of Humility, we are able to be open and avail ourselves of a deeper perspective and guidance.
As the group of entities known as Abraham have said, “Don’t you think that if the Universe can create worlds that spin perfectly in their orbits without crashing into each other, It can also help you with whatever problem you have?” (paraphrased)
Child’s play.
This is the “SECRET”: With a simple tweak of your Awareness regarding your energy, you have at your fingertips, the power of the Universe!
You have available to you every moment of every day, Guidance from your Source regarding every detail of your life.
No judgement. No condemnation. No scolding or berating you for poor choices.
Indeed, your Inner Being can acknowledge negative energy and its effect on your life, but It does not see that as you.
It has Infinite Patience, Compassion and Love for you.
You can ignore It if you want to. Or you can take advantage of Infinite Power and Intelligence to make your life and dreams and goals soooo much easier.
“You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars, guides you too.”
Shrii Shirr Anandamurti
How to Tap into This Power
World of Spirit/Life-Giving energies are those that connect you with your inner Divinity: Love, Humility, Kindness, Patience, Grace, Strength, Trust, Courage, Gratitude, Compassion, Forgiveness…
All of those things, when you feel them, when you express and identify with them, connect you with your Source.
Indeed, that’s where they come from.
The bonus is, they feel GOOD!
Don’t you do better when you feel better?
So, make yourself feel better by acknowledging, engaging and identifying with those energies. Do whatever you need to, to feel better, in a healthy way of course.
Quiet your “monkey mind” with Meditation. Ask for guidance in Prayer. Give thanks and appreciation for anything and everything with Gratitude. Keep track of your synchronicities in a Journal. Use Affirmations to tweek your awareness and energy on a daily basis.
When/if you find yourself feeling unsure and vulnerable, that’s good!
This is when you have the opportunity to exercise Trust in your Guidance. The more your Source/Spirit enjoys your Trust the closer and more intimate your relationship with your Higher Self/Inner Being will be, and the more Clear your Guidance will become.
Experiment with questions and then be open to answers coming in various ways.
Ego, little self’s “my way” syndrome, will try to get in the way and there is a great remedy for that: I call it “CRA”, Consciously Release Attachment. Release attachment to any outcome. By declaring to Source your desire but then releasing it with Trust, creates a dynamic in which you release limits placed on your desire by ego/my way, and open yourself to something that could very well be way, way better than anything you could have imagined! And easier!
Courage is about availing yourself to something new and different, something wonderful and amazing, something deeply meaningful in the journey ahead toward your goals and your Purpose.
You may have thought you just wanted to make a lot of money, but then you find out your Spiritual Self has way better plans in store for you than just money! You can’t see it all, but your Spirit can, that’s why Courage, Trust and Alignment are important.
“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again.”
The Mystery and Journey of Life
Before we even incarnate into this World of Form, we have dreams and plans and goals. Some of us fulfill them this time around, and some of us don’t. It’s all good.
Just being in this magical place of opportunity to experience the leading edge of creation is fulfillment in and of itself. It’s the place where we can experiment with the Law of Attraction, cause and effect, reaping and sowing, planning and achieving.
There is you (the you, you are aware of), there is You (the Big You/Source you may not be aware of until now) and there is The Law, the Law of Attraction that connects those two.
This is the playground in which God gets to experience Itself and express Itself, through you. It all counts, nothing is waisted, and that expansion will never end.
Don’t take it all too seriously. You, your life and everything in it is a part of a Perfect Plan.
Relax, find you Flow, and go with it.
A Magical Life awaits you!
Dip your toe into The Easy-Flow-Stream. The water’s fine!