
There are things you want. You know what those things are: the perfect job, great body, new car, romantic partner, a pet, a house, a new video game, whatever.

And then there are things you are attached to: same list but instead of wanting or desiring them, there is a need to have them.

“If I don’t lose 20 pounds, I’ll hate myself.”

“If I can’t get that job, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

“I’m so in love with this person, I’ll just die if I can’t have them.”

First, get clear about what you are attached to.

Ask yourself the hard question: what is it that I have fear about not having?

Usually this pops up pretty quickly in your mind. It’s the thing you don’t want to admit you are attached to, have fear of losing, or fear of what might happen if things change.

If you’re newly in love, it’s probably this person.

If you have children, it’s probably your children.

Once I was so attached to my dog, the one who saw me through the most difficult time in my life, the one who was simply the best dog in the world (for me!) that I would choke up just thinking about the time when he would inevitably die. My attachment robbed me of happy moments, and revealed an unhealthy emotional dependance that wasn’t good for either of us.

Attachment can be anything that causes angst when you think about it. And it’s perfectly normal to have angst thinking about something bad happening to your partner or your children or someone you love.

Attachment interferes with what you do have.

Attachment is not Love. Love gives with Trust, attachment clings with fear. Love has no need to control, attachment must control because of fear of what might happen if it doesn’t, ironically creating the thing that is feared.

Attachment is a need based in fear and that need/fear not only interferes with getting what you want, but what you already have.

You only lose what you cling to.


That fear/need interference can not only push away what you’re trying to acquire, but it can also damage the relationship to the thing or person you already have. Clingy smothering is not conducive to a healthy relationship. Neither is spending so much time waxing your precious car, that your kids miss out on your attention. And then you end up wrecking the car.

You cannot Love that which you care about, and you cannot be Connected to that to which you are attached.

Huna Principle

There are many examples of this principle.

Do you think perhaps, the former president had a need to win? An unwillingness to concede is a clear sign of attachment.

Do you think perhaps, Putin has a need to take over another country? An unwillingness to accept a reality that doesn’t align with what he wants, and force one that is, is also a clear sign of attachment.

Have you ever met a pregnant woman who said something like, “I tried and tried but it wasn’t until I stopped trying that I got pregnant.”

CRA – Consciously Release Attachment

The medicine for attachment is to consciously release it. As with the woman trying to get pregnant, she just decided to stop trying. She released her attachment to the outcome she wanted and this removed the energy block that allowed it to happen.

This is why CRA is so important for getting what you desire.

Whether, like the pregnant woman who didn’t release the attachment consciously per se, it was the release, stopped trying, that removed the block.

When you know you have attachments, it works to Consciously release them.

Competitions reveal the energy of attachment.

In the game show Jeopardy for example, if you pay attention you’ll notice that it’s usually the contestant who has a rather nonchalant (unattached) attitude who wins most often.

As opposed to those contestants who want to win so badly that they get irritated if they don’t push their buzzer in time, holding up a shaking arm as if to insinuate that their buzzer must not be working.

If you pay attention, you can tell. Does the energy lean more towards Hopeful or fearful?

You can spot the attachments because luck is also involved, which is affected by the energy. Those who have attachment blocks lose, and those who don’t, win.

CRA requires Awareness

Be aware of what you are attached to. Just owning it gives you some of your power back.

You can still have the angst, fear and trepidation regarding a certain thing, person or situation but acknowledging and facing it will dissolve some of the fear.

There are many examples of attachment in current events and media.

Dare I say that most problems in general, are caused by attachment.

Whether a competition or an election, cheating is caused by an attachment to winning, and an attachment to whatever winning means – status, power, control, fame, money, etc.

George Santos comes to mind. Kari Lake. Lance Armstrong.

Attachment breeds corruption and justification.

There can be attachments to anything.

People have attachments to viewpoints and opinions which foster a “dug-in” mentality and a refusal to see beyond that attached viewpoint, even in the face of contradictory facts.

People have attachments to how they look, their hair, make-up, clothes, jewelry, etc. Do they even know who they are without those things?

Attachment causes an unconsciousness blindness that is obvious to everyone except them.

*** *** ***

In years past there was a TV show called What Not To Wear. It was entertaining to see so many young women who were so attached to being seen as “sexy”, as if that was the only way they were allowed to be as a woman. The sexier the better. Hair, make-up, clothes, nails, the whole nine.

I can relate. Raised by a misogynist father, my sister and I were made to believe that our only worth as females was to please males, in the way we dressed, talked, walked, wore our hair, etc. It took years to wake up from this attachment to an illusion of what someone else thought I should be.

Like these women on the show, many women (and men) are indoctrinated into an unconscious cultural conditioning that is not healthy or natural. It’s based in a life-taking energy of treating people like objects.

Iyanla VanZant also has a show, Iyanla: Fix My Life where she has helped numerous women overcome the your-worth-is-determined-by-your-sexiness mentality. Many of these women went to the extreme of cosmetic surgery to enhance every body part imaginable, face, boobs, butt, etc. to the point of looking like caricatures of themselves.

CRA requires Humility

The ancient Hawaiians had a funny word for humility: ha’aha’a, to be flexible in perspective, open to another way of looking at things.

Humility is a Life-Giving energy that you can choose to embrace.

Being humble and open, enables you to let go of whatever you’re attached to.

That is the only way to remove the blocks to truly having what you want. No matter what it is, if you really want it, you must let it go. Seems contradictory I know, but it’s true.

On What Not To Wear, many of these women who insisted they needed to dress sexy, had a hard time being open to a new way of thinking and looking at themselves. They were unconscious of this attachment but with the help of hosts Stacey London and Clinton Kelly, they were prompted to do so in favor of the freedom unattachment availed them (and a $5,000 new clothing allowance!), a whole new better version of themselves.

They discovered a version much more aligned with their True Self. This is the beauty of “transformation” shows. People can go their whole lives and never know who they truly are or could become because of unconscious, entrenched attachments that don’t work for them.

CRA brings Freedom

When I became aware of the importance of attachment, I knew immediately what I was too attached to, a marriage that wasn’t working. It wasn’t easy but I swallowed hard and decided to let that attachment go. If it worked out, it worked out, if it didn’t, it didn’t.

Well, it didn’t, but I discovered Freedom and Liberation in the midst of the inevitable pain of bringing that relationship into Balance.

I have since gone on to Consciously Release Attachment to literally EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in my life. Why would I want to push away the things I want and cherish the most by clinging in fear?

When you have nothing to lose and nothing to fear, you have everything to gain.

CRA requires Trust

Yes, to let go of those things in your life you hold most dear you must Trust in Life/God/Source/All That Is. Trust that that which created you, really does want what’s best for you.

Like the saying goes… if you let it go and it comes back…

Removing the block of attachment literally frees you to have, be and do ANYTHING!

You may not get what you want in exactly the way you think but you will get what you want in a way that is in Balance with your True Self, and a more Authentic life.

The only way you will ever really have what you want is to let go of it all.

Now you can have it!
