Perspective is everything.

It has the power to shift how we look at the circumstances in our life which shifts how we feel about those circumstances.

Feeling is the driving energy.

In law of attraction lingo, ‘your energetic vibration will manifest an exact match of that vibration into your physical reality in one form or another.’

Or I could say, “think it, feel it, see it.”

It’s a law, a spiritual law that is backed by science, particularly quantum mechanics.

Another Day

Each and every day we do what we do. We think what we think, and we decide how we feel about whatever is happening.

What’s the first thing we do when we get up in the morning? Look at our phone? Use the bathroom? Coffee, breakfast? Walk the dog?

Whatever it is, most of us have a routine we follow day in and day out.

There are the variables: a dentist appointment, car repairs, a work project that needs to be turned in, etc.

Every day, we go through the motions, thinking, feeling and emitting a similar vibration: our energy or mood, our ‘standard energy’.

What would you say is your ‘resting bitch face’ mood? (Yes, it will be on your face:-)

“Live each day as if your life had just begun.”

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

A New Beginning

Every day is just that, a brand new one.

We get to start all over and do it all over again. Does that thought invoke a feeling of excitement or dread?

If it’s excitement, then bravo! You don’t need to read this article. But if it’s anything less than that, listen up! 

A DAY is the perfect opportunity to try again. Try again whatever you might not have gotten right the day before.

Every day between the time you open your eyes in the morning and when you close them at night you make big and little decisions.

Each and every decision is either a Conscious one or an unconscious one.

What’s the difference between Conscious, and unconscious?

Typically, we say we are either conscious/awake or unconscious/asleep, anesthetically knocked out or in a coma, unconscious.

Then there’s a spiritual definition.

Much like ‘being awake’ in the regular sense, being Awake spiritually, means that you are Aware of a Grander Dimension of Reality. (Why I capitalize Conscious, it’s connected to Spiritual Identity or Divinity). When you are asleep spiritually, you’re simply not mindful of a spiritual dimension.

The World of Form is like the “movie” we’re watching inside the World of Spirit “theater.”

It takes a certain presence of mind to disengage from the drama and walk back to the lobby. While absorbed in it, the movie is all there is but you ‘wake up’ and realize, ‘It’s just a movie, I’m in a theater.’ There’s a Bigger Reality.

You can Wake Up right now (in this dimension) by simply choosing to. You can, in this moment, realize there is a Greater Reality you are not aware of and just be open to it.

There are many dimensions, but there is one that contains the one we live in as manifested reality.

Belief is not required because waking Up is about Trust. That Higher Dimension will reveal Itself to you when you are ready and open. And when It does, you won’t have to ‘believe’, you will just ‘Know’.

When you make all those little decisions all day long, you can either make Conscious ones, or unconscious ones based on how Awake you are, or not.

And every day, you have a brand new opportunity to do that.

When you are Aware of a Greater Reality, you realize that the Whole Universe is on your side, ready to assist, encourage and help you in whatever way you are open to.

Have A Bad Day

We all have our share of problems and drama, to a lesser or greater degree. And sometimes, we get in the weeds and just can’t seem to get out.

Our mood plummets and we find ourselves in a pit we can’t seem to buck. Though we try and try to get past, rise above, it just seems to persist in spite of our best intentions.

Here’s strategy you can use to solve that problem.

Just give into it. Let it just be there. Don’t fight it or resist it. Decide to just feel it.

Malu, life-taking energies, as the ancient Hawaiians called them, are those negative emotions that do their level best to capture our mind and get us to identify with them: anxiety, worry, depression, malaise, melancholy, fear, dread, whatever it may be.

If you find yourself seemingly unable to shake it, then just don’t!

Let it be there and just notice it. Because…

Tomorrow will be different.

Fighting, resisting and otherwise, ‘trying’ to overcome a strong negative emotion, has the tendency to exacerbate it. It feeds it.

Try this: Let the negativity just be there for today. Give it space by respecting whatever message it may have for you. They always have a message.

It may be something like:

  • “That person at work is really trying to sabotage you, maybe you should get back at her.”
  • “That bill is coming due and the money isn’t there, you should be responsible and fret about it.”
  • “That relationship is in the shitter, what are you going to do if he/she isn’t there? Grieve, lash out, do something!”

Of course, these are outlandish ways of looking at problems but that’s what malu do, they give us thoughts and feelings and try to make us think they are OUR thoughts and feelings. Malu make us think they are protecting us by providing worst case scenarios and shielding our vulnerability.

When we are Conscious, we realize those things are not true. Decide that for today you will just listen.

Notice with Acceptance, and possibly with a touch of sorrow.

Observe. Be the ‘Observer’.

Notice what the thoughts are behind the feelings (or vice versa).

Tomorrow, you will be taking your heart and mind back and choosing how you WANT to think, what you WANT to feel.

And it will not be anxiety, jealousy, anger or any other stinky energy.

Give it a day. Then tomorrow, give the day back to your Self.

Have a Good Day

Make a Conscious Choice the day or night before to have a good day beginning the next morning. It will give your heart and mind a chance to reset that “resting energy” to an upgrade.

Write an affirmation for yourself that you can read when you first wake up:

  • Today is a wonderful day that I fully Appreciate. I fill it with Joy and Wonder as I pay attention to any mysterious divine coincidences (synchronicities) that may come my way.
  • Today I am in Conscious control of my positive mood. Today I direct all stinky energies to step aside as I make space for Peaceful Calm and Happy Expectations.
  • As I wake up this morning, I Wake Up in every way, and allow the Sweetness of Source Energy to bring to me all things Good, Lovely and True.

You get the idea. Just remember when writing affirmations: keep it believable, positive and in the present tense. You can’t say, “Today a million dollars will fall in my lap out of the sky.” Your heart/mind won’t buy it.

You want an affirmation that makes you FEEL good. Again, the feeling is the driver of your reality so the more you FOCUS on the positive energy of it, the more that energy will manifest in your day.

Heaven and Hell

Whenever I go to the coffee shop, sit down with my laptop, favorite coffee and begin writing, that is my “little piece of Heaven.”

There are other times too, when I’m enjoying being out in nature, playing with my grandkids, watching a great show; times when I’m mindful to Appreciate Life.

Appreciation is an awesome, powerful energy! The FEELING of Appreciation is a reward in itself, but it also brings you into the present moment where that Greater Dimension is accessed.

That is where you find Joy, Love, Peace and Harmony. That’s where you find “Heaven”. Appreciation brings into full focus and clarity just how precious Life is. Heaven is the place where you truly relish each moment.

And when you do that, you create more of those moments by law of attraction.

“Hell” is the result of a disruption by life-taking energy (thoughts/feelings); and that energy will take you down a hellish rabbit hole as far as you let it. Pain is the self-correcting mechanism. We would rather feel good than bad, right?

From a Greater Perspective, it’s all Perfect because without those things that bring contrast, we would not have Clarity, and without Clarity and Contrast, we wouldn’t have Meaning or Appreciation.

Ike Papalua

Pronounced “EEkay papa loo a,” this Hawaiian word means “Eagle Vision, the High Sight that brings Wisdom, the Perspective that reveals Reality.” A view of Life from the Grander Dimension.

When we’re down in the valley, in the muck and mire of everyday life, it’s easy to get lost and lose our way. We’re walking through the weeds with briars pulling and jabbing at us. It can be intense.

But all it takes is a moment to shift our perspective to the mountaintop where we can see that muck and mire is just steps away from a beautiful stream and a lovely meadow that we couldn’t see before.

Choose. Stay in the valley and experience it or go to the mountaintop and see it for what it is. Do one today and the other tomorrow.

Either way, there’s a Gift for you in each and every one.
